Made a switch to linux OS

Recently I made a switch to openSuse 10.2. Even since i started using it I didn’t boot my Vista partition. There are good number of features that I liked about openSuse. One fine day, I started writing shell scripts to untar and move to public_html. Somehow I ran that command on root and all folders are getting moved.

After cracking my head for a while, I was thinking that bug in openSuse 10.2, screwed it all. So, based on my linux dude, Sreeram Potluri, I installed the Red Hat for stability. Honestly, once anyone got used to openSuse, it might be bit frustating for the first couple of days. I couldn’t event get some setups to run, because I got used to yast feature. Within couple of days, I made my move to Suse 10 Enterprise edition. This interface is atleast better but I saw in the very first few hours that some operations were not getting processed appropriately.

Not until recently, I have realized that my unix shell script screwed it all, so yet an other time, I shall make a move to 10.2. If things don’t go smooth then I shall stick with Vista, and if it did then bye bye vista.

Shyam K. Arjarapu

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