For the past two and half years I have been using Open Suse as my OS except for playing FPS games and / or while working with some .NET stuff. Unlike Vista, I heard good reviews from my colleagues about Windows 7 and thought of playing around with it using subscription license. Continue reading
Tag Archives: OpenSuse
grub setup stage 2 error while parsing number
Well, as I stated earlier I was trying to get openSuse 10.2 installed on my machine, which already has Vista on first partition. Though I never had issues while installing openSuse 10.2, Red Hat Linux, Enterprise Linux 10, this time I had issues with installing 10.2
My 10 days old DVD got corrupted, new iso download got corrupted, 1 DVD after buring got corrupted etc. Its quite evident that there is something really wrong with the wirelss downloads and my DVD’s. The error I get at the installation of the Boot Loader is
grub>setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 (hd0) (/dev/hda,5) error 23: error while parsing number
Even my linux dude got no clue what’s going on. He suggested me to iso downloads from wired pc and install again. Yet i get the same old error. Pretty much pissed and thought of going back to Vista with half hearted. Right at that moment my friend called and said that most of the dudes on the web get this error while installing on partition with Vista already on the first partition. So, something poped into my mind and I did this.
- Downloaded gparted, gnome partition editior.
- selected the window partition drive and in the properties, I unchecked boot and checked hidden
- now I did a fresh install. this let s teh linux install the system with no flaws as it sees windows was present in nowhere
- and vola! installation went smoot no errors. Now restart with gparted in the cd drive and now make Vista drive unhidden and that’s it.
You should be able to choose both linux and windows from the grub. Let me know if it works for any of you Thanks
Shyam K. Arjarapu
Made a switch to linux OS
Recently I made a switch to openSuse 10.2. Even since i started using it I didn’t boot my Vista partition. There are good number of features that I liked about openSuse. One fine day, I started writing shell scripts to untar and move to public_html. Somehow I ran that command on root and all folders are getting moved.
After cracking my head for a while, I was thinking that bug in openSuse 10.2, screwed it all. So, based on my linux dude, Sreeram Potluri, I installed the Red Hat for stability. Honestly, once anyone got used to openSuse, it might be bit frustating for the first couple of days. I couldn’t event get some setups to run, because I got used to yast feature. Within couple of days, I made my move to Suse 10 Enterprise edition. This interface is atleast better but I saw in the very first few hours that some operations were not getting processed appropriately.
Not until recently, I have realized that my unix shell script screwed it all, so yet an other time, I shall make a move to 10.2. If things don’t go smooth then I shall stick with Vista, and if it did then bye bye vista.
Shyam K. Arjarapu