Login failed for user ‘IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool’.[EkSite->GetSiteVariables()]

As I have mentioned earlier, I started playing around with the Ektron 400 CMS.NET content management system. Soon after I installed starter kit websites, I got the below error.

Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool'.[EkSite->GetSiteVariables()]

My system configuration is Windows 7 x64, IIS 7, .NET 3.5, SQL 2008 (with NT Authentication) and Ektron 7.6.6. If you got that error, this one could be your fix. Continue reading

How to Generate / Create SQL script from stored procedure

Not long ago, I was working on “SQL Synchronizer” -a tool of my own to help synchronize stored procedures from source server / database to target server / database. Use of this tool will become handy when you want to synchronize different environments currently having different versions of stored procedures.

The idea behind developing such tool has struck my mind while moving my changes from development to staging. Though execution of DDL statements went through fine, execution of stored procedures themselves failed as the dependant objects of these stored procedures where not in sync. So, I started to build a .NET project to help me add, delete, update stored procedures either from source / target databases. I shall post the solution to share with you guys, please bare with me for awhile.

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